date: Saturday, June 30, 2007
Hey people. 2 things to blog about: 1) Debate 'training' 2) The EDC production: Let's Stop at 4!
Fine. So first: debate training. Well, to be honest, it WAS debate training. In the ned, it turned out to be HCJIs prepping. Well, for starters, the Champion's Shield was a DOLPHIN! and if that was not bad enough, the champion teams will be getting MEDALS!!! That, in all ways, is a SWIMMING COMPETITION PRIZES. Ooh...I can imagine:
Hwa Chong Junior Invitationals: A Prestigous Debating Swimming Competition for Primary Schools
Oh indeed. Then, the sai kang warriors aka the Sec 1s had to go buy 20 blinking packets of drinks!!! Fine...whatever This, by the way, isn't the main part of my post today. :)
So, Let's Stop at 4...BLOODY HELL ROCKED!!!
4 pays...all good...too tired to tmw post LORRS...
BTW...anyoe knows whether Fraser closed his blog?
Your Mood Ring is Dark Green |  Friendly Outgoing Cheerful |
You Are a Snarky Blogger! |  You've got a razor sharp wit that bloggers are secretly scared of. And that's why they read your posts as often as they can! |
Reards, Woon Wei
date: Thursday, June 28, 2007
I'm falling sick...again...with a temperature of uh...38.1degrees celcius. Ooo...I'm going to get my brain fried...
Hmm...let's do a review for today:
I had Maths first thing in the morning. Ms Wun ranted about fractional indices, yada yada yada. You know what? I think I'm going to be confused. Something times something yada yada. I'm confused.
Literature came next. Ms Kala is finally back (uh...not that I'm especially happy or anything...SHE DIDN'T SEE OUR BLOODY PROJECT!). And well, she kicked up a big fuss when she found out some of us did not do VBTS holiday homework (I'm one of them, but being her 'favourite'--not that I've got a choice. I'm the chairman and she likes me because of that.--she never bothered to find out).
So, then we had the bloody PE. Then recess.
Then, double Chinese. BORING LIKE HELL!!!! But oh well. t least I'm going to be the chairman for Week 3 panel discussion. Then recess again.
Finally, double english. It was fun, oh yeah. This English games which I forgot what they were called, was damn cool. My group won first prize!:)
Well, that's all.
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I didn't expect C++ to be It's quite nice lah...and for once, I MANAGED TO DO AN IS PIECE OF WORK ON MY OWN! :) not to digress too much, I'm in the mood to write a poem about...uh...we'll see...
If It Is Wrong…
“If it is wrong, You’ll find no ticks at all.” A sentence that a particularly Eccentric science teacher Likes to use. Every time, She goes through an assignment, The only thing she says Is: “If it is wrong, You’ll find no ticks at all.” When she returns, You, The class test, You can obviously bet She’ll say: “If it is wrong, You’ll find no ticks at all.” True, She is very good at teaching science. However, The only thing She’ll say, Is: “If it is wrong, You’ll find no ticks at all.” What is her name, Pray ask. Well, No one will tell, No one will say, The only thing they Dare to say, Is: “If it is wrong, You’ll find no ticks at all.” But! Let me tell you a little secret, The next part to her speech: “Alright, So that part, you do corrections…”
In ase you guys were wondering, this is my Science teacher TEOCC...
Changed blogskin (if you're currently readingr it wit the simplicity blogskin on, well, you're a tad early). Don't get me wrong Karen. I love your skin, but I wanted to use another skin to match this current theme...
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Tuesday, June 26, 2007
"He can who thinks he can, and he can't who thinks he can't. This is an inexorable, indisputable law."
-Unknown (to me)
I found this quote very awe-inspiring. It's like, you know, so simple in terms of word, yet so profound in terms of meaning.
Anyways, that isn't really the purpose of my post yeah? Okay...oh yeah! I bought two Penguin Popular Classics on Sunday. Normally, I wouldn't like reading small print...but they're CLASSICS kay? C-L-A-S-S-I-C-S. They're meant to be good! And I don't care! Even if it takes me the whole lifetime to finish them, I WILL!...LOLz...sorry...I was just being random.
So, to the REAL topic for this post: HCJIs ARE COMING THIS FIRDAY AND I GET TO LEAVE CLASS @ 12! THAT MEANS NO ART! WOOTS! Ah yes...I hate art. It's pointless, useless and a complete waste of time. I mean, like...which idiot would make you do a self-portrait of your hand? Sheesh...
On a side note, if you want to test to see if your sanity is truly fractured (like mine, I think) or to see how long till your patience run out, read my previous post. You'll most probably kill me, but oh well.
Not to mention, I'm seriously tinking of signing up for Platero and I. I need some advice. SHOULD I JOIN?
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Monday, June 25, 2007
Hmm...not that I'm gonna do anything spectacular in this post, but I think I'll just embrace and find solace in this quietness. After all, this is simple, and what more of simplicity can I ask for?
...(You can stop reading here you know. Or! You can just see how long till the end comes...)
...(Don't say I didn't warn you!)
...(You know, if you're still reading, it's a great feat you accomplished. Thanks for joining me in this quest for solace!)
...(Ahem! I officially declare that you are just like me: our sanity is fractured!)
... about fractured sanity...
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Sunday, June 24, 2007
It's finally here!
Whew...I guess that's all...
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Saturday, June 23, 2007
I have lots to write today...but I'll type till I get: 1) sian or 2) sian so I summarize EVERYTHING from start to finish or 3) tired... So, we'll see how far I get then.
So, today I went to TYY (Tan Yu Yang)'s house after a screwed up debate (Hey! It's not my fault you know!...For the debate part at least...). We watched X-Men 3, played tennis PS3 game (which I owned:p), watched Casino Royale, play this olden ancient Jap warrior game, and watch another movie. In the middle, we ate sushi (thanks TYY!) and watermelon (thanks TYY's Dad!)...both delicious I tell you.
So, I did no. (2). Sian till I summarized. And, also, watch these two: you'll love it:). Alternatively, I think I'll give you the URL!
date: Thursday, June 21, 2007
[ ] You have to make your bed every day. [ ] You have to do chores. [ ] I have a time that I have to get off the phone and computer. [x] You have a bedtime . [ ] You have to earn your money. [ ] You can't have friends over unless your room is clean. [x] You can't have a boyfriend/girlfriend. [ ] You can't be friends with someone unless your parents know them. TOTAL: 2
[x] You can't go shopping by yourself. [ ] Your mom tells you what to wear. [ ] You have to look for "good deals" on clothes, otherwise you can't buy it. TOTAL: 1
[ ] You get grounded for stupid things. [ ] You have a time limit for the computer/video games/tv. [ ] You have to get along with your sibling(s) otherwise you get grounded. [ ] You have to share your room. TOTAL: 0
[x] You have to ask to go to a party/friends house in a few days advance. [ ] You can't go anywhere without a parent/adult. [ ] You can't stay home alone. [ ] You have a babysitter. TOTAL: 1
[x] You're not allowed to have a tv/gaming system in your room. [ ] You can't be on the computer without someone watching your every move. [ ] You can't have a door in your bedroom. TOTAL: 1
[ ] Your parents get mad if you don't want to do something simple that they ask. [x] You can't swim without an adult watching you. [x] You can't have a friend of the opposite sex over, unless they are family. TOTAL: 2
Multiply your total by 8. 7X8=56
My parents have 56% control of my life.
That's not a it?
Regards, Woon Wei
I'm pissed.
Fine. I'm more than pissed. I'M VERY PISSED!
For no. (1), it's least I still got tomorrow...hopefully...LOLz... For no. (2), ISN'T IT HIGH TIME ALREADY? LOOK. IT'S ALREADY THURSDAY! T-H-U-R-S-D-A-Y! LIKE, WE ONLY HAVE FIRDAY, SATURDY AND SUNDAY TILL SCHOOL REOPENS! HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO PACK FOR SCHOOL LIKE TIHS HUH? For no. (3), it's not like I won't know by the time no. (2) comes out, BUT WHAT THE HELL. CAN'T YOU JUST LET US KNOW ALREADY?!
Fotunately, there are good things. MY MUM IS GETTING A NEW CAR! WOOTS!
After two good solid years of service, the trusty Honda Airwave can retire to a life of second hand cars. PRESENTING...(a bit of drumrolls here wouldn't be bad you know...) THE ALL NEW, ALL UNIQUE...
It's cool?! It's got so many secret compartments and it has 1) A reverse camera 2) DVD player 3) MP3 player & radio 4) Sports rims Like, what more can you ask for?!
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I liked this blogskin when I first saw it.
Problem was, to me, when I downloaded it, it was uneditable (to me, once again). The whole HTML was in a big mess!
Fortunately, Karen edited it and sent t to me. So, now I'm using it! Enjoy guys!
Woon Wei
date: Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Hmm...I got a new haricut today.
Not that I'm complaining and all, but seriously...couldn't I have it on Sunday?
Now I look like my head is bulging out again...nah...just KIDDING...
Fine...time to stop blogging and irritating you guys on such mudane things in my life...
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Monday, June 18, 2007
You Are Midnight |  You are more than a little eccentric, and you're apt to keep very unusual habits. Whether you're a nightowl, living in a commune, or taking a vow of silence - you like to experiment with your lifestyle. Expressing your individuality is important to you, and you often lie awake in bed thinking about the world and your place in it. You enjoy staying home, but that doesn't mean you're a hermit. You also appreciate quality time with family and close friends. |
You Are Upper Class |  Class isn't always about money, and you've at least got the brains, manners, and interests of an upper class person. You don't have a trashy bone in your body, and you don't pretend to be someone you're not. You're comfortable with your station in life, and class issues don't really bother you. The finest things in life are within your reach, and you're comfortable enjoying them.
You may end up: A business leader, corporate lawyer, or philanthropist
Other people who share your class: Bill Gates, Oprah, former world leaders like Bill Clinton, and those reclusive billionaires no one ever talks about. |
This is a good sign...I think...
You Are a Great Liar |  You can pretty much pull anything over on anyone. You are an expert liar, even if you don't lie very often. |
HellO! I belong to Singapore and Singapore alone you know...
You Belong in Australia |  Ace! Sunny, upbeat, and cute You make the perfect surf bum Now stop hogging the vegemite! |
Regards, Woon Wei P.S. Please scroll down for the blog battle
Let's ask ourselves. Which part of Singapore is a landmark that portrays both the past and the future of Singapore? Well, there are many places that we can put under this huge 'umbrella'(metaphorically speaking). Such examples are the Singapore River, Little India, Chinatown and all the whatnots.
However, the place that I think portrays both the past and the future of Singapore very vividly is our very own Chinatown. Situated *pretty* near Orchard Road, this place highly influenced by the Chinese culture proves as a treat to all the tourists and locals alike who visits there be it to learn about the history of Chinatown, sightseeing, food hunting, or just plain soaking in the atmosphere during festive seasons.
For tourists, this place is a landmark of what Singapore has began from (at least for the Chinese). When they first set foot in this miniature version of China (though it is full of its own unique traits, but that's a different story altogether), they will be astounded (or at least fascinated) by the vibrant yet not very gaudy colours that decorate the walls of the shophouses that have been preserved since they were built in the 1950/60s. They will also come across the Visitor's Centre in Chinatown, where they can learn more about the history of this famous place in Singapore. When taking a walk along Smith Street, they are sure to find the massive structure that had just been built not long ago, the Buddha Tooth's Temple (or something like that) which emits a strong aura of how the Chinese culture has influenced Chinatown, hence adding to the reason why it portrays the past of Singapore. Near the temple are also some stalls that show the dying trades of the services and goodies in the past. However, they do not only get to bask in the rays of the past. They also get to experience the future of Singapore. More shopping malls and upgrading works have been applied to that place, just like the newest Central which is conveniently situated near the Singapore River. There are also other malls such as OG that add in a Western blend to the place, which shows that Chinatown has been influenced by the Westerners as well (as of late, that is). Alright, not Westerners, but more of the Western culture/the current (and most probably future) taste that people wants: the shopping culture.
But, for us locals, Chinatown serves as a food haven to us. Ranging from the old goodies such as tang yuan (or ah balling), char kuay teow to Western food such as hotdogs, pork chops etcetera, this place always never fails to prove as a treat for all of us here, living in Singapore.
So, after all these, how can you not say that Chinatown is a location that portrays both our past and the future?

Regards, Woon Wei
--P.S. This is for a competition organised by NDP 2007!--
date: Friday, June 15, 2007
Two posts in a day...
Okay, I was really wondering what was the song for the NDP this year, and I found ot that:
The song name is There's No Place I'd Rather Be... The song is sung by Kit Chan The song SIMPLY ROCKS!
Short, simple, sweet yet full of meaning, emotion and patriotism...that's what I say about this year's NDP song...
Regards, Woon Wei
Okay, actually I wanted to post something on Wednesday, but was too lazy to contiue from that post. so when I do post it, hopefully it is not in the archives...
Anyways, I was looking for noice MVs on the Net, and guess what I found?
And another one! (and oh, by the way,I'm totally ADDICTED to the song...)
Zzz...can't find it...looks like it was removed due to the terms of violation...Zzz...LOLz...
But hey, there is the Chinese version!:)'s the song Girlfriend...and I just watched the MV...the Chinese version SUX!
So, enjoy guys!
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Wednesday, June 13, 2007
-Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: hi! JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: helloz -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: like, wad u doing? JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: lolz JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: hmwrk=.= JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: sianz -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: im sposed to be in a course that ends @ 5.30pm, but heyz, it's over so I'm using their comp! -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: lolz -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: homeowrk -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: *work -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: i pity you! JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: lolz JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: sianz JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: is the outing still on? -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: no...too little ppl goingh -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: *going JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: oh JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: ok -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: but im gatecrashing 6/1's party (i think) JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: how's brenda gonna pass us da shirts? JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: haha -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: hu noes? JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: lolz -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: anyways, did you do C++ this term? -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: as in term 2 JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: yea JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: tough -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: fun? JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: but quite interesting JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: still prefer html -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: like -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: wad does c++ do? JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: help program thing -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: ? JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: u can easily find out the average JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: of results -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: uh...that sounds like excel... JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: u can program it to find the average of results -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: wowz...? JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: u can program it to tell if a1 or a2 JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: ya -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: hahaz -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: cool JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: so tt when u type in 75 -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: wad else does it do? JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: press enter JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: erm JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: not much JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: simple stuff -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: ...zzz...okay... JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: nothing major -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: BORING!!! i think i'll fail IS next erm AGAIN, and do retest JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: lol -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: how tall r u now? -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: since u taller than ur bro...let's see... -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: hello?!?!?!????!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: lolz JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: 265? JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: diao JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: u? -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: look taller tho... -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: 27+... -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: i think 271 -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: and that stupid H&F programme put me as 141 cm short! -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: JT---- AwSoMe is th3 lord most high. . =) says: xiao -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: xiao...for which one? -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: how did you get rid of that irritating thingy about blogger on top of your blog? -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: lo? -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: oh well... -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: byez then... -Woon Wei- This Crappy Comp May Just Hang Anytime, So Don't Balme Me If I Don't Answer You...and I hate FLASH! says: LOLz...
Uh huh...this was a conversation (IM) that I had with Jeremy while attending a Flash course...
date: Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Oh my gosh...just saw the news, and not even LISTENED to it, and I'm terrified! Another water spout in a mere 2 weeks! Eeks...this is bad...will a typhoon/tornado/hurricane/water spout hit us? Zzz...I don't even wanna think about it...
Anyways, back to the main topic...I THINK ELLEN DEGENERES REALLY ROCKS~!
Okayz...before you guys really like, freak out that I would say that (which would be pretty low...anyways), let me show you a vid from YouTube~!
date: Sunday, June 10, 2007
I was feeling weird I came up with this weird list...
A is for Analism B is for Barracking C is for Censorship D is for Dementia E is for Eccentric F is for Fart G is for Google H is for Helplessness I is for Idiocracy J is for Jackass K is for Key L is for Lesbians M is for Mobs N is for Necrophilia O is for Obstinate P is for Piss Q is for Queer R is for Rafflesia S is for Sickos T is for Typhoons U is for Uganda V is for Vectra W is for Wank X is for Xenon Y is for Yahoo! Z is for Zzz
See. Told you I was feeling weird.
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Tuesday, June 5, 2007
title: was supposed to be 3D2N...but oh well...somehow I managed to make it 1 1/2D1N (one and half day and one night).
Why? Cos I got this bloody headache and fever when I woke up this morning in the ProEd Leadership Camp '07! Sianz...but at least I can use my computer!:)
So...hmm...waht have I missed...? Oh, the barbecue, solo night and horror movie (thank god)...Ah whatever. It was fun anyways. the 1/2 day was spent sleeping most of the time...trying and hoping to get rid of the fever...and headache...but it failed, so now I'm back home!:)
Ah...the first day, on the other hand, was way COOL! We went for 'The Amazing Race', and yeah, we really went round the whole Singapore. Then, we had pizza for dinner, and of all things, I got a stupid chilli pizza...I'M ALLERGIC! No choice, I still downed 1 piece anyway...and I think that's what caused me to get sick...ah well...
Then, later in the night, we watched this Leadership movie (which in my opinion, is stupid), that taught me more about how to play golf instead of leadership anyways.
Ah...that's all I can post. I'm getting a fever again I think...
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Saturday, June 2, 2007
title: I went for the SEF (Scholastic Environment Fund) Oratory Competition with Mdm Loke...and wow was I surprised. Nan Hua actually has a...of all things...LIFT!!!!!!!!! :( This is SOOOO irritating. They only have like, one floor more than us and they have a lift! %$#@&!*^
Grr...okay, anyways, I wasn't there to compare HCI and Nan Hua...they had a Sky Garden too...crap...okay this is getting out of hand...
Ah...I'll just cut to the chase. I got silver, much to my displeasure...could hve gotten gold...
date: Friday, June 1, 2007
I hate it.
Some people just don't understand. They think they're real smart and all, and then when you do something wrong, they tick you off. Fine, it's your fault anyway. But when they do something wrong, you still get ticked off. I mean, what the heck?! What are they thinking? It's their bloody fault, for goodness sake! And then worse still, when you do something right, you get ticked off with twice the freakung fury.
Gosh, they're mental...and guess what? Nothing can change how they think...Bastards...