date: Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Gee guys, how do you celebrate your National Day every year? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Hmm? Come on, I expect an answer from you, you, you and you. Okay, all jokes aside, let me get on to the main part of my post.
So, how exactly do I celebrate my National Day every year? It's actually a pretty quiet affair, and I assure you, no confetti, balloons, wild party bashes or the sort that you will expect of adolescent teens. Fine, adolescent teens is repetitive.
Nevertheless, let me move on. Well, I celebrate by waking up at noon (it's not every day you get to sleep in. I have tuition on Sunday you know!), taking a brunch, usually with a slice of cake (for celebrating sake. I want to a cake on behalf of Singapore!) and then go back home and stone...and stone...and stone...AND STONE...on the couch...until...
Alright, that's when all the confetti and stuff comes in. I don't usually get high over these things, but HELLO! We are talking about our country's celebrated sovereignty, I don't see WHY anyone has no reason not to get high at all.
And when the fireworks start, that's when the neighbours complain. I'm serious. Well...I guess that's how I celebrate it...
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Sunday, July 29, 2007
[copied from kah how's blog who copied from shawn/cca's blog who copied from i don't know where] [ ] Gotten detention. [ ] Gotten your phone taken away. [ ] Gotten suspended. [ ] Chewed gum during class. Total: 0 [ ] Been late to a class(s)more then 10times. [x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times. [ ] turned at least 3 projects in late. [ ] Missed school cause you felt like it. [ ] Skipped class at least 3 times. [ ] laughed so hard you got kicked out of class. Total so far: 1 [x] Got your mom/dad etc. to pick you up from school. [x] Text people during school. [ ] Passed notes. (as in, the teacher requested the front row to give out the notes) [ ] Threw stuff across the room. [ ] Laughed at the teacher Total so far: 3 [x] Went on myspace, friendster, xanga,etc. on the computer at school,chatrooms. [ ] Took pictures during school hours. [ ] Called someone during school hours. [ ] Listened to an ipod/cd player/mp3during school. (don't have any music players) Total so far: 4 [ ] Threw something at the teacher [ ] Went outside the classroom without permission. [ ] Broke the dress code. [ ] Failed a class test. [ ] Ate food during class. Total so far: 4 [ ] Gotten a call home. [ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip causeyou behaved badly. [x] Didn’t take your stuff to school. [ ] Gotten a detention and didn’t go. [ ] stuck your middle finger at ateacher. [ ] cursed during class loud enough that the teacher heard it. Total so far: 5 [ ] slept in class. [ ] threw paper at the teacher. [x] copied homework. [ ] felt hungry during class and left to eat. [ ] snored in class. [x] talked back to a teacher 3 x [your total] = 3 x 6 = 18 I misbehave 18% of the time.
Like Kah How, I don't understand how asking your parents to send you home is misbehaving...
Regards, Woon Wei
P.S. I would like to thank all those who tagged when I did not update! And oh yeah, I got a Lickilicky! Likiliki! (For those who understand. Those who don't, Li Ki is the name of my senior. And Lickilicky sounds like Li Ki Li Ki)
date: Friday, July 20, 2007
Okay, I'm sorry not sorry for that insane rush of demands to HCI which will never be seen by HonCW anyway. But, I'll just go into some free writing now, so if you're interested, then read on. If not, don't. Oh yeah, my writing to some people may suck, so please bear with me. Wait. I'm not ready to confess that yet. My writing is perfect, and that is what it is. After all, beauty is in the eyes of its beholder. One more thing. If my writing suddenly lapses into something that has NO relevance to the prose, don't blame me. I'm just watching TV (news okay?), listiening to radio, cursing the fan, charging my MP3, desperately trying to install the Norton Internet Security 2007 in my laptop and IM-ing people whilst writing this.
On second thought, I think I'll just draft it out and then put it up here. Meanwhile, I'll just go play my Visual Gameboy then. I know, Sonic Battle rocks.
On a third thought, I think I'll just rant on and on about 1G, my ungrateful class. Serious. So, here should I start? Hmm...let's just say...about as far as I can remember. They started the rebellion. At that time, I couldn't care less. I mean, it was just a phase, right? How wrong I was. It turned out to be a full-scaled war against yours truly. At that time, I still couldn't care. I was totally foucsing on other stuff. Now, I feel the full after-effects of that. Most ignore me (I'm actually a loner, so it's okay), hardly anyone listens to me (fine, that's understandalble. Rules are meant to be broken, right?), worst of all, I REALLY never expected this, though it wasn't impossible, just improbable: my very own friends (well, some of them anyways), turned against me! That was horrible. Just bloody horrible. You know what? I was seriously thinking f transferring school or setting Draconian rules for the class. I swear, the next time they try to break my line of patience, I will: 1) resign as chairman 2) set Draconian rules before I resign 3) rebel and show them how it feels 4) become what I always wanted to be: a brat I don't care. This IS what I m going to do and NO ONE is going to stop me. Not you, you, you, or you. This is the last straw I tell you! Why do I suddenly feel so suicidal? Hmm...must be the pressure...See 1G! You made me into this retarded piece of junk! I ABHOR YOU GUYS! All controversy aside, there are some real nice guys in there. They really are true friends, and that is what really spurs me on. Thanks guys!
Oh yeah, and before I forget, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is out tomorrow!
Regards, Woon Wei
Well, what can I say? I WANT HALF DAY! Wait. Let me rephrase that. I DEMAND THAT YOU, HCI, GIVE US HALF DAY!
Look. We got TTD Champs!
What more do you want?
date: Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Hey guys!
I'm posting in school right now. Johnny's been linked. All those who hate X__ C_e_ please go there and have a good laugh! I'm not kidding!
Also, I want to say...MY BLOG IS DEAD!...yay?
Regards, Woon Wei P.S. I'm currently posting in school!
date: Sunday, July 15, 2007
this 16th of July, Monday, Mr Brown is coming to our very own Hwa Chong Auditorium to give a talk on speech & satire. This once in a life time opportunity is NOT TO BE MISSED!
So, what are you waiting for? quick go clear up your monday afternoon for this spectacular talk by mr brown. you'll even get to ask him ANY questions during the Q&A session later. Craving to see mr brown already? here are the details
Date: 16th July, Monday Time: 1.45 - 3pm Venue: High School Auditorium (NOT DRAMA CENTRE) Speaker: Mr Brown
P.S. SHARE the good stuff! Please pass this email around to everyone you know, your ep3, your close friends, ANYONE. (as long as they are from hwachong, because this talk is only limited to Hwachong students)
P.S There are PLENTY of seats available at the moment, and given the auditorium's sitting capacity of 600 people, don't worry about seats.
P.S. It ends by 3, so no worries about your EP3
LOVE, Chuan Yi
Okay guys. My senior told me to announce this, so, to all HCI people: COME OKAY?
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Friday, July 13, 2007
One word to STUN all of you: Triskaidekaphobia.
Triskaidekaphobia: A morbid fear of the number 13 or the date Friday the 13th.
And guess what? It's Friday the 13th today!
1 more thing. Instead of Brian Docherty(?), we got DANIEL SIEW, my new ENGLISH TEACHER, as our new DEBATE TEACHER I/C!!!!! about another reason not to forget handing in your English homework...
Moving on to Blogthings...
Your Blogging Type Is Clever and Witty |  Of all blogging types, you're the best with words. Almost every blog post you write has legendary quality. You have a perverse sense of humor and often play devil's advocate. Impatient and picky, you tend to go off on funny rants from time to time. |
I...LIKE IT...
Your Eyes Should Be Violet |  Your eyes reflect: Mystery and allure
What's hidden behind your eyes: A quiet passion |
Your Birthdate: January 19 |  You are resilient, and no doubt your resilience has already been tested. You've had some difficult experiences in your life, but you are wise from them. Having had to grow up quickly, you tend to discount the advice of others. You tend to be a loner, having learned that the only person you can depend on is yourself.
Your strength: Well developed stability and confidence
Your weakness: Suspicion of others
Your power color: Eggplant
Your power symbol: Spade
Your power month: October |
Ohh...It's so bloody true...
What Your Sleeping Position Says |  You are calm and rational person with a good deal of balance in your life. Friends consider you to be kind, caring, and truly loyal. You are easy going and trusting. However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games. Open to the world, you are not afraid to be yourself.
If you don't get enough sleep, you are: Able to cope
It's hard to sleep next to you because: You're a bed hog |
It's not from Blogthings, but it's like it... Hmm...It's quite nice...I gotta admit...

You are Judgement
Happiness, Content, Joy.
Judgment is related to the Hebrew letter Shin, which is fiery and spiritual. A break from the past, going forward.
With Fire as its ruling element, Judgement is about rebirth or ressurection. The idea of Judgement day is that the dead rise, their sins are forgiven, and they move onto heaven. The Judgement card is similar, it asks the resurrection to summon the past, forgive it, and let it go. There are wounds from the past that we never let heal, sins we've committed that we refuse to forgive, bad habits we haven't the courage to lose. Judgement advises us to finally face these, recognize that the past is past, and put them to rest, absolutely and irrevocably. This is also a card of healing, quite literally from an accident or illness, as well as a card signaling great transformation, renewal, change.
What Tarot Card are You? Take the Test to Find Out.
You Are An Attention Seeker |  You're only human, so you can't help but want a little attention every now and then. You love the spotlight, but only when it's well deserved. You'd hate to be known for the wrong thing. And you also don't mind sharing the spotlight. You can easily give someone else credit or a complement. You know there's enough attention to go around, and it makes you happy when your friends shine.
You come across as: Friendly and interesting
People may wrongly think you're: A little more modest than you actually are! |
That's it. I'm going to SUE Blogthings!
You Are the Super Ego |  While some people may think first and act later... you often don't act at all. You rather be safe than sorry, and you take ethics pretty seriously. Like everyone, you have some pretty crazy desires. But unlike everyone, you restrain yourself. You have high standards for your own behavior. And you happily exceed them. |
Regards, Woon Wei
Hey guys! I'm back, with a new skin FINALLY!
Post more later. I'm gonna go and SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Whoever tries to stop me will be eliminated! RAWR~!!!
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Saturday, July 7, 2007
07/07/07. Special date as there are THREE things happening today! :p
1) It's Li Ki's birthday! Hey, so that means he's 14 only TODAY!!!! Lolz...meaning he was 13+ till today, like me 19/1/94...13+ also mah..:) ) Happy birthday Li Ki!
2) Live Earth Day! :) Today, we celebrate Earth, and also inform some idiotic people about how terrible they are destroying the Earth, contributing to global warming and climae change.
3) I got my SANITY back! So expect me to change the blogskin very soon :)
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Thursday, July 5, 2007
Ah yes...a new blog.
Fine, not new, but it's like, a place where I will bring my blabber to :).
So, you read about the nice stuff here, and random blabber on that blog :).
date: Monday, July 2, 2007
Honestly, I'd rather be Chocolate with hazelnuts in them I LOVE those.
You are Milk Chocolate |  A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds. You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life. Also nostalgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago. |
I like silver, but black will do too. ;)
You Should Drive a Black Car |  You're the type of driver who's totally dominant and even a bit aggressive. You see the road as a "dog eat dog" world... and you're not about to get eaten! You like to drive a vehicle that conveys power. Big engine. Big price tag. You rule the road - and you like everyone to know it. |
Ooo...and I always thought I was an optimist. :)
You Are a Realist |  You don't see the glass as half empty or half full. You see what's exactly in the glass. You never try to make a bad situation seem better than it is... But you also never sabotage any good things you have going on. You are brutally honest in your assessments of situations - and this always seems to help you cope. |
But...but...IT'S NOT TRUE!!!!! *WAHHH...*
You May Be a Bit Histrionic... |  Dramatic and over the top, you crave attention. And you'll do anything it takes to get noticed. You love to be seductive, even when it's inappropriate. If you're ignored, you're easily hurt ... and act out even more! |
One word (fine phrase): LAWLz...
What Your Dreams Mean... |  Your dreams seem to show that you're a bit disturbed... but nothing serious.
You may have a problem you're trying to work out in your sleep.
Overall, you are very content in your life.
Your dreams tend to reflect your insecurities.
You have a very vivid imagination and a rich creative mind. |
I didn't say I knew ANYTHING bout blogging *shrugs*. I just blog. :)
Do You Even Know What a Blog Is? |  You got 1/8 correct!
What the heck are you doing at Blogthings? |
Well, I wanted to post more, but that's it for today. And oh yeah. You see those tags down there? I love them. :) They are SOOOOOOO useful.
Regards, Woon Wei
date: Sunday, July 1, 2007
Happy Youth Day guys!
That aside, I'll just go on and blabber some random stuff.
You know, when I switched on the TV, I heard this: WE LOVE VITAGEN!!!! Hmm...oh-kay...*sweatdrops* So, I s'pose today, I'll just blabber about Vitagen. :)
well, apparently, Vitagen was Singapore's first. I mean, Singapore's first and most popular cultured drink. Not that I care about that. I'm a strong supporter of Yakult. :) It tastes SOOO much better than that Vitagen. It's produced in UK (Yakult)! :) Let me give you an excerpt from Vitagen's website.
In 1977, understanding that a healthy digestive system is the key to helping Singaporeans lead a long and healthy life, Mr K.P. Thio (MD and founder of Malaysia Dairy Industries Pte Ltd) introduced VITAGEN - the first cultured milk in Singapore before other brands of cultured milk drink.
What's more, it's Halal certified =.=''. Not that I care, once again. I support Yakult:).
HALAL Certified To ensure that all Muslims can enjoy VITAGEN LESS SUGAR, we have not only selected ingredients suitable for Muslims but also obtained Halal certification from Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS). MUIS is the highest Islamic authority in Singapore & the only authorised body to issue halal certificates.
Uh...WHATEVER. Karen supports Vitagen. So, THIS MEANS WAR!!! RAWR!!! LOLz...
Regards, Woon Wei