date: Monday, January 28, 2008
title: Another Post...
Yes, another one. This time for all D.Gray Man fans out there.
If you found that weird, here's a more familiar one :)
Tests have been shifted about. All thanks to Hon taking the suggestion seriously. But nevertheless, it is quite conforting to know you still have more time to study! :D
Let's review the tests... 1 Feb --> Chinese Test 14 Feb --> Geog Test
Oops...I haven't been paying attention lately in I can't remember! o.O
date: Sunday, January 27, 2008
title: Looking at This
Look at's real cool.

The Solitary Stage standing on this solitary stage the audience stares at you while you just stare back holding the mike in your hands that shake with so much vigour but at the wrong time at the wrong place
you look at them they look they stare they sit down waiting for you to start you start to muster up all of your courage but as you were about to start someone someone from far back yawned
Your nerves go into overdrive and you freeze on the stage your mind stops working you stare at them your eyes wide in terror
your world slowly turns black your body feels weak soon your body collapses on the solitary stage
Oh well...not the best poem I've written, but I wasn't really paying attention...I'm listening to the new worship album I got today! Restore by Bob Fitts...really annointed music!
Chinese test nears (Lord bless me!) does Chem Test (Hallelujah!) and Math (Lord bless me! :D) and History (Yeah! Amen!) Heh...Lin Dee, I got you a present, as I'd promise...I hope you like ****...(come on. Don't think sick you sexually deprived people! Fine. It starts with p okay?!)
date: Saturday, January 26, 2008
title: Back to Basics
I'm getting tired of all the hassle of finding a decent blogskin for my blog, so I decided to use the skins that Blogger offers! Yay!
It's white, and I'm transitioning to a more cheerful mood in my blog. :)
Don't expect my poems (should I post one) to be any more sad and dark though! :)
Ah wells, let's just say this is another birthday present (belated ones) to myself!
What Be Your Nerd Type? Your Result: Literature Nerd Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it's eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today's society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works. It's okay. I understand. | Gamer/Computer Nerd | | Anime Nerd | | Social Nerd | | Artistic Nerd | | Science/Math Nerd | | Musician | | Drama Nerd | | What Be Your Nerd Type? Quizzes for MySpace |
date: Friday, January 25, 2008
Here's a blank verse poem that just floated somewhere in my mind for a while... While I was in the shower... Damn. My imagination runs free there. Nevertheless, the poem...
The Drug he sauntered up to her "how much?" he asked she flicked up two fingers "oh. that I can afford," he replied, grinning maniacally she gave him a withering glance and proceeded to walk away into the dark alley
he followed her eagerly and excitedly moving into a corner she took out a packet of pink tablets and pressed it into his hand impatiently he handed her the two hundred bucks she counted the notes and walked away
now left alone he opened the packet and out rolled the little pink tablets he swallowed it ravenously hungrily subsiding his crave for them immediately he was transported from a world of pain to a world of pleasure where distress is not in his dictionary
ah the pleasure the excitement all ran through his mind once again the drug has taken control lovely. I like this poem a lot. I mean, it's a little deep, I'll just stop there...comment on it please!
date: Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Council Investiture. 35th High School Council. What a monumental moment in my whole 2 years in HCI. Ah well, doesn't matter anymore. As the Investiture comes to an end, my life as a Councillor has just begun.
Let the battle commence.
date: Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Alright. Firstl,y thanks to all those who actually bothered to tag while I was MIA on my blog. I was way too busy, for the start of the year, relatively speaking.
Allow me a moment's time to whine about my committments: 1) ThinkQuest - Own - Leader 2) ThinkQuest - Debate 3) PDC - Vice Overall i/c for group, Progs i/c and Vice-Forum i/c 4) PDC - Possibility of doing another one 5) Investiture - Finishing tomorrow 6) Spelling Bee '08 - Promoted to Finals i/c and effectively Core OT. 7) National Day 2008 - In Feb, becoming acting OS 8) Teachers Day - Pending..., let's move on to something great today... I BEAT DELVIN IN CHESS 4 3 TIMES! Yeah, it was four, till I found out one that was just Check. We're continuing that game tomorrow. And as for the I'm lazy, I'll just change it when I feel like it...
date: Saturday, January 19, 2008
Happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me...!
14 now, no more hiccups!
date: Thursday, January 17, 2008
I'm overcommitted. Compared to Li Ki last year, it's nothing, but yeah, I'm overcommitted.
1) Spelling Bee '08 OT 2) National Day '08 OT 3) Council Investiture 4) Helping out at Pro3 (Pro cube) Venture 5) Hoping to be a 3NGLES and/or ANGLES trainer 6) Better yet, hoping to be in the ANGLES and/or 3NGLES OT
Yeah, see? I'm overcommitted. Dammit. Anyway, I never knew Council had a Council Song! Zzz...
Birthday in 2 days...for those who actually cares.
date: Thursday, January 10, 2008
Censored. - Li Ki
Yes, I was tempted to post that only, but hey, in light of all the tags that had flooded the tagboard, I would like to say a big THANK YOU! to all of you. for content...I'll post about tomorrow's debate auditions. Yeah, I'll do that.
date: Monday, January 7, 2008
It's really been a long time since I had written, or at least attempted, to write a long post. I know, it's pretty abusurd, but hey, it's the way I do things. You have a problem? Then close this blog. Sorry...I'm stalling, as you can see. I hate this, it's so frustrating. SOmeone give me something to post.
date: Friday, January 4, 2008
title: this...then read the's good...
Gotta Go My OWn Way Lyrics Gabriella I gotta say what's on my mind Something about us doesn't seem right these days life keeps getting in the way Whenever we try, somehow the plan is always rearranged It's so hard to say But I've gotta do what's best for me You'll be ok.. I've got to move on and be who I am I just don't belong here I hope you understand We might find our place in this world someday But at least for now I gotta go my own way Don't wanna leave it all behind But I get my hopes up and I watch them fall everytime Another color turns to grey and it's just too hard to watch it all slowly fade away I'm leaving today 'cause I've gotta do what's best for me you'll be ok.. I've got to move on and be who I am I just don't belong here I hope you understand We might find our place in this world someday But at least for now I gotta go my own way
Troy What about us? What about everything we've been through?
Gabriella What about trust?
Troy You know I never wanted to hurt you
Gabriella And what about me?
Troy What am I supposed to do?
Gabriella I gotta leave but I'll miss you
Troy I'll miss you
Gabriella So I've got to move on and be who I am
Troy Why do you have to go?
Gabriella I just don't belong here I hope you understand
Troy I'm trying to understand
Gabriella We might find our place in this world someday but at least for now
Troy I want you to stay
Gabriella I wanna go my own way I've got to move on and be who I am
Troy What about us?
Gabriella I just don't belong here I hope you understand
Troy I'm trying to understand
Gabriella We might find our place in this world someday but at least for now I gotta go my own way I gotta go my own way I gotta go my own way ___________________________________________________________________
date: Thursday, January 3, 2008
Posting in school, to me, has never felt like a privilege...until today. Yeah, that's 'cos while the Sec 1 freshmen slog their hearts out doing some Microsoft Excel thingum, Delvin and I can just roam around the Net, moving from the most innocent of web pages to the abyss of evil and darkness that plague the Net.
Well, since we didn't suffer from this misfortune last year, I do kinda sympathise with them. NOT. They cause me to miss LESSONS! Damn. Fine. I'm sort of an empath, so I can feel the bore that shrouds the room like how a fog covers a whole town, completely blending it into Nature, the serene and pure innocence that sets the ambience (pardon me for the overdosage of well...whatever-that-heck-of-an-English-thingum-it's-supposed-to-be).
Anyway, they look ready to divulge in the wonders of sleep and rest. You know, if I were to do this along with them, I'd think I'd kill myself rigt there and then.
I really pity them. Seriously.
Don't forget...SESAME STREET! (Alright, that's totally random...sorry. XD)
date: Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Only the first day of school and I'm already laden with so many committments. "Bring the Sec 1s to their classroom." "Bring the Sec 1s to LT2." "Make sure the Sec 1s reach the Drama Centre on time." "Double up. Mr Cheong is already pissed that you guys are behind time."
Damn all of that. Look. I never ever wanted to take care of those Sec 1s. I wasn't OBLIGED to do so. Not at all. I was ASSIGNED to do it. Alright, fine, I admit. Initially, I wanted to take them around. It wouldn't be so bad now, would it? But NOOOOO. The following day had to be classes that are MY favourite. Literature, Geography, History and ENGLISH! Irritating.
Good thing I should be able to at least it through half of it (the lessons). And will I be missing Chinese? I don't think so...damn.
date: Tuesday, January 1, 2008
It's a new year! Happy New Year to all.
2008. A new year of commitments, crazy teachers that come after me for no rhyme or reason and other things such as.
But before that, let's just indulge in a modern nursery rhyme gone so wrong to the point that it is perverse and well, rated PG13 (I'm just going under the assumption that 13 and above should know). Fine, just kidding. Just exercise viewer discretion.
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty wank on the wall Humpty Dumpty cum on the floor Humpty's GF ran into the wall To slurp the cum on the floor!
*Laughs maniacally* I really felt like doing it, so don't blame me. And I think I'll just change my URL once per year! :D Which leads me to my new year resolutions:
1) Must be able to pray in tongues! 2) Attend church, even if it is combined service! 3) Get good results in Chinese!!! 4) Be active in Council! 5) Lost those fucking weights! 6) Sleep early, but when need to sleep late, can stay up late and wake up early! ___________________________________________________________
Well, even though I want to post more, I need to S.L.E.E.P! Alright, 新年おめでとございます、みんあ。 See you guys around!