date: Monday, March 31, 2008
I'm suprisingly positive after all the shit thrown at me.
And the iSheet wasn't as screwed as we envisioned it to be. Let us now give a round of applause to the cast! *standing ovation*
Zahrah - Narrator! :DDD Charmaine - Denise! :DDD Yi Chen - Mark! :DDD Glendon - Salesman 1! :DDD Edward - Salesman 2! :DDD Shaun - Cashier! :DDD Myself - Doped Buyer! :) <---I'm not as zai, so no :DDD :)
Zahrah! Thank you for writing such a compelling introduction (though the last line was from me XD)! :D
Charmaine! Your slap was real great! Your part too! Thanks! :D
Yi Chen! Thanks for not minding to kenna slapped and sacrificing yourself for it. FTW! :D
Glendon! Thanks for playing the part well! You were awesome!
Edward! What can I say? IMBA. Thanks a ton!
Shaun! Haha...thanks bruddy!
And the OT was great too! Thanks to everyone (esp. the OS, Priscilla! and uh...Joyce! and uh...ah, what the heck. Thanks everyone!)! :DDD
date: Saturday, March 29, 2008
Never thought I'd stick to a URL for such a long time. I'm proud of myself. :)
Deleted my poems blog...oh well. I wasn't updating it'd be redundant. However. I now have a private blog! Ask me if you want to be invited.
If nothing else...I'll just go and well...stare into space.
Music playing: Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence Sakamoto Ryuichi
10.12am...amazingly, I'm actually doing my homework. No debate, no sleeping in, no nothing. But doing homework. In case you think I'm lying, I'm doing my long overdue Geography homework. The News Article one.
And life is getting better slower I think...oh well...
Music playing now: At the Beginning Richard Marx and Donna Lewis
date: Thursday, March 27, 2008
Priscilla jie jie wrote me a letter! :) So I wrote one back! :)
Bimbo Family Cheer!
Beeeeeeeeeembo Famileeeeeeeeee Cheer Like totally, for sure! I even got a manicure! The sun! I swear! It's bleaching up my hair!
Red, blue, yellow, green! What's the colour of my team? I don't know, I don't care! How should I do my hair?
Go! Go! Fight! Fight! Gee I hope I look alright! Like go! Like go! Like go! Team go!
Shaun - don't be emo 'kay? bimbo family loves you! :DDD Priscilla jie jie - don't sad lah. we all here for you :)
I seem to be the only one (apart from ChiChi and Charmaine...I think) that isn't emo...CHEER UP GUYS! :DDD
date: Wednesday, March 26, 2008
For Bruddy Shaun:
Sorry I'm sorry I ever told you I understood And got you sorely disappointed When you asked And I had no answer
I'm sorry I ever tried to care It only exacerbated the problem What problem I don't know It was just a feeling
How apt A feeling Something that had sparked all of that off Something that you'd not talk about
Yet I persisted I lied when I said "I understand!" 'Cos I don't 'Cos I only wanted to console you
Fine, maybe I understand From all that poignant tearjerkers I read But when it comes down to true feelings I lied through my teeth
I'm sorry I gave you false hope That someone finally understood Your feelings
...'Cos I don't. Sorry.
Goodness me. I now have a dumbass coming up and saying I'm embarrassing myself. On my own blog. Excuse moi madmoiselle, but look at who's territory you're on here. Unless I correct myself as wrong, I'm not!
Haha. That sounds so egomaniacal. Like the Model Student Awards in Founders' Day Prize Giving. Absolutely priceless.
Anyway, it looks like I'm going to coach 2 schools from now on. Nan Hua and Kong Hwa. Just realised the similarity of the two schools. "H*a"! Haha. ZOMG. I'm acting more and more like Priscilla jie jie.
Anyway, Priscilla jie jie, tomorrow must teach us the BIMBO FAMILY CHEER! :DDD
Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence...hmm...romanji would be merri kurisumasu misuta rorensu...or メッリクリスマスミスタロレンス。
Haha...I'm so heads over heels over that song...:)
Priscilla jie's all your fault. :)
date: Tuesday, March 25, 2008
School sucks. With my new blogskin, I can't tag in school...:( Heck. I can't even access my blog! RAWR.
On a side family! :DDD
Only Charmaine left to acknowledge me...
date: Monday, March 24, 2008
Hi everyone! I have a royal announcement to make!
I now have a new family! Chichi! Shaun! Charmaine! Priscilla! YAY! :D
Don't worry Brenda, or Yi Yun. You're still family. :) I got my own set of Li Ki cards! :D
New family! :D ChiChi - Cute! :) Shaun - 4 years old! :) Charmaine - 5 years old! :) Priscilla - Older sis! :)
Looking forward to more chocolate cake. :) No, no lemonade Edward.
So no lemonade.
date: Sunday, March 23, 2008
Hmm...I want to watch Vantage Point! *whines*
Anyone wants to watch it with me on Wednesday, 26th March?
With the cherry on top?
Yeah, please. :)
date: Saturday, March 22, 2008
Arena today. Not going to reveal much, except: 1) Max didn't speak 2) It was a split vote for the winning team...haiz...(does this give you a clue?)
Anyway...THANKS A LOT YARN KIT (no, this is NOT a real thank you, if you can't tell. It's sarcastic.), FOR 3NGLES.
First I'm paired with Luey Chi. The next moment, I'm with Yu Zhi. I'm not suprised the next time, I'll be thrown to some other participant. And seriously, don't let Priscilla cover your ass. It's embarrassing.
All of us (the debaters in 3NGLES) are pissed.
Don't aggravate the situation Yarn Kit.
You have been warned.
date: Friday, March 21, 2008
Just thought of a very lame poem...but oh goes:
A Simple Poem...Dedicated to You Here's a poem Dedicated to you Not the kind You'd be confused about Not the kind You'd sweat on just to comprehend Just a simple poem Dedicated to you
No fancy words No poetic devices Just a heartfelt dedication Directed to you So, here's to the simple poem That I wrote Dedicated to you!
I know it's lame. I know it's lacklustre. But shucks, it's a start.
date: Thursday, March 20, 2008
Today's Round 3 and 4 of GEBPSDC distinctly reminds me of last year's HCJI's prelims.
Yes, these are all that has happened. :) Except, this time we have:
Priceless. :)
date: Wednesday, March 19, 2008
title: - Are You Smarter?
I'm not very smart now, am I? *chuckles*
A LONG LONG holiday is coming...not for me though. No day's a holiday...for me! :) Anyway, to: 1) Shaun 2) Edward 3) Yi Chen 4) Darion 5) ChiChi 6) Jek Jin I'm sorry for my attitude at poolside just now. It was uncalled for, and definitely not to be condoned. Sorry! Forgive me? *big watery eyes*
Anyway, thanks to Lin Dee, I learnt the blockquote thingum! :D So I'll try it NOW! :D
to rachie lovie dovie POO: I don't know what your motive is, targeting all the HC debaters, but I'm not going to care. You can attack for all you want. After all, isn't us responding to your taunts what you set out to achieve? I'm not so dumb as to fall for that. So good day, and good riddance.
Well...that felt good. :) And to the rest, if you don't understand, time will reveal all, I suppose.
date: Monday, March 17, 2008
Well...Term 2 starts today...time to work hard, and prove that I CAN get A1 for almost all subjects!
Then again...this term is going to be quite slow...despite all that holidays and events coming up. SOOO...I think I'll just talk about today's events.
Alright...allow me to sum up my lessons today quickly: 8:00-9:20--> Slacker 9:20-10:00--> Reccess 10:00-10:40--> Pig 10:40-11:20--> Shortie aka kenna blocked by Johnny 11:20-12:00--> PeG 12:00-12:40--> Horny 12:40-1:20--> Emo
Let's decipher! :) Slacker = Yin Xiu Ping Pig = Quah Lee Hwang Shortie aka kenna blocked by Johnny = Alvin Tan PeG = Peter Gilbert Horny = Jennifer Ting Emo = Wun Wen Li
Yup. :) Take care. :)
date: Saturday, March 15, 2008
Thanks guys, I needed that :)
School starting in two days, and we're having Bio this term. Can't wait for Jennifer Ting to shout "Mass Orgy"...
==Don't check that up, seriously==
Anyway, went ot watch The Leap Years alone today...felt a little weird with so many couples around. XD
It was good, in the sense that well...the actors weren't stiff like the one in uh...Jack Neo's films. But it was a poignant tearjerker I tell you. Simply funny. The crying scenes were especially amusing. Call me insensitive, I tell you go watch it yourself. You'd be laughing like hyenas...I mean, wouldn't anyone laugh at a girl who crys just 'cos she lied to a guy? Sorry...I'm not the feeling kind. XD
date: Friday, March 14, 2008
Three days, two nights...ProEd Leadership Camp!
Group 3 Rocks! Yay! :)
Chok Hon, Nicholas, Zi Long, Wai Yan and Jarren! Thanks guys! :)
passer-by --> as your name suggests, I'll just treat you as a passer-by...for now.
anon --> well, it takes one to know another. i have no sense of humour, by the way.
date: Tuesday, March 11, 2008
10 more posts till 200 posts!
Another tag answering post...
Lynette! - Oh hi Lynette...XD
lindee - oh no HCI person went, and otmorrow some 5 trainers need to stay at HCI, and I'm one of them so...sigh...I'm not your coach anyway...:(
chichi! - hi! :DDDD will tagg later :)
ZX - ah got a blog? I wanna link! :D
charmaine - no problem ;) Shaun got 5 smacks instead of 1, and he says he doesn't owe you chocolates...*shrugs*
Jolenda! - hi...? you're the coach alongside me?
And uh...this:
10:26 PM) yuanjun`~!: look i know that you have been badmouthing me behind me back to jekjin. (10:26 PM) yuanjun`~!: you can do anything you can like arrogant towards me (10:26 PM) yuanjun`~!: but don't ruin my friendship with jekjin bitch.
I find it freaking lol. So oh well XD
date: Sunday, March 9, 2008
There's someone impersonating me! Not that I really find that serious...but stop it okay? Please? I'll even beg. P.L.E.A.S.E. Leave me alone! Damn. That sounds like Chris Cooker, "Leave Britney Alone!"
Anyway, it's not factually correct that I tag at 6+pm on Sundays, 'cos I am in church! And on other days, I usually get home at 9pm, so you can pretty much tell if the real me is tagging or not *shrugs*.
I haven't done this in a long time, but Ido suppose I'll do it now...:) A post just put up to reply tags!
shaun!: oh. lol. sorry for KS-ing your uh...ideas. and eh...thanks for the support! :) actually, you can also write your own what...XD
chichi!: *huggzzz* *pokeeeeeee* :))))))))) :DDDDDDDDD
date: Saturday, March 8, 2008
Clearly I haven't been blogging much, an I don't think MAS would be a good excuse. So, as I wait in the polyclinic for goodness-know-what reason, I shall take some time off (and supress this everlasting boredom) to post a post! :)
Yeah, fot the past five days, I have been in MAS - Model ASEAN Summit. Honestly, it was pretty fun, with all the position papers, draft declarations, ministerial retreat, senior-official meetings etc. True, they were all good fun and all, but no to mention tiring. All the work put in the back like racking our brains just to come up with some position papar on human rights. Fortunately, there were jokers here and there to relieve the tension.
Not to mention I'm almost done with my first chapter of the Story of Atlantis! I'll inform you guys when it's posted. IT can be accessed either at the side (my profile...find theWORKS) or here <--click it!
Yeah, I'm really sorry for the lack of posts. XD And before I sign off (if I can on the Net, which I do suppose is impossible), ah sheesh. I forgot. Polyclinics do that to you. XD
date: Monday, March 3, 2008
When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You over the storm Father You are King over the flood I will be still know You are God
Couldn't shake it from my head. ProEd Lounge open tomorrow, my duty. Do come visit!
date: Sunday, March 2, 2008
Was reading Mr Quek's (yes, despite all that had been said and done, I still respect him with more respect than almost any other teacher, and therefore not call him by his name) blog, and came across his posts about his short stories on Atlantis.
I was seriously awed by his language and way of writing. It was practically the perfect prose: -fluency is flawless -satire, if any is so subtle yet so pronounced -the vocabulary, needless to say, is ownage But I do suppose you should expect something of that quality from a person who won an award for GP in JC and won the Commonwealth Essay Competition.
For those of you who don't know, winning an award for GP (General Paper) in JC is uber difficult, and winning the Commonwealth Essay Competition means defeating opponents from primarily English-speaking countries i.e. caucasians.
Yesh indeed, all his works have inspired me to continue writing on my story that I was trying to put together, and all the poems that have surfaced but returned to the depths of my mind...but before I leave, here's a little rhyme my friend told me. It's quite have been warned:
Old MacDonald sat on a bench Playing with his balls and a monkey wrench The wrench got hot and burned his balls He went to the kitchen to cool it down The knife fell down and sliced his balls He went to the hospital for a checkup But lightning struck and zapped his balls He went to the doctor and the doctor said: "I'm sorry sir, your balls are dead."
Heh heh...yeah, I think I will be putting up another blog...for short stories and poems etc. Thanks Mr Quek! (if you actually read my blog, which I highly doubt)
date: Saturday, March 1, 2008
Just re-read the whole of Artemis Fowl The Artic Incident today, since I had a fever and couldn't go for training :( Very sad, really.
And I was laughing over the sentence: "Oh great. We're being lead by an idiot with a crayon" and was fanscinated by kleptomaniac, not that I don't know what that is.
Sorry. I know I'm boring, but couldn't resist watching this video...and I think you should too...