date: Thursday, July 31, 2008
Yawn. I'm tired. But I'm determined to blog everyday...and ensure my posts get progressively longer.
Sometimes, some people just never fit in. Whether they look like they care or not, the truth is, they just simply can't. Sometimes it's not so obvious, especially when they are part of the group, yet not of the group. The logic behind this is simple: one may be part of something, but when one is not of something, his or her heart is not with them, be it voluntarily or just a different mindset. Perhaps this is a consequence of being too complacent, or just a rejection due to natural elimination; if you can't fit in, we're not going to throw you out, you'll just be left out.
Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't, it most probably implies that you are either: 1. an emotionless bastard 2. too numb to feel anything anymore There's a difference between the two. One requires something called sincerity, and if that can't be mastered, there's really nothing much different from condition (1).
There's nothing more hurtful than a deceitful lie that one may be of the group, and not only part of the group. This can be shown through a series of tests, yet the subtlety of the message can hardly be seen. It's almost akin to a stab in the back...a hard stab.
Yet, through it all, there are people worthy of mention. These are the ones whom you can truly confide in, trust, rely upon and feel truly at home. These people are the ones where you will be of the group, not simply part of the group. These...are what people call:
True Friends Ah...all that philo stuff are like, finally of my mind. (:
date: Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Ahahaha...apparently I used up all my 'high' at home yesterday. Which culminated in today's weird penknife fetish (I have a penknife in my pencil box/case/bag/whatever-you-call-it). Hahaha...I'll try not to use up everything today (: was quite cool yeah. Helped Mr LimCC to move LeeFY's stuff (I wonder why? Were they good friends?) to his car, then went to see SK2 (actually it was ErYZ, but I followed him) then scammed YZ that his Sarsi was thrown away (he put it on the bin 'cos I didn't want to hold it for him then I put it next to the stairs)...then went to help put up National Day flags...then finally went for Debate...haha...yay balls.
Lit assignment today was quite cool. It's a real big bummer...I think I contradicted myself like 4 times in a row, like "her love is too stifling for her own good, which brought about her own downfall. However, to a certain extent, it was the rigidity of her family's perception of love and unacceptance brought about her downfall." Complete contradiction...zzz. The question was: Emily is the architecht of her own downfall. Discuss. Yay. Thanks Mr Gilbert. You rock! (:
Then, for English, it's a flop. Not in the bad sense, but Quah asked me to use my speech as a demo, and I gave it...=.='', which means that I am like, out of ideas for starters. Actually, I'm not. I just thought of something in the bath (as in I went to bathe 5 min before I typed this part of the past)...hahaha. It's a new start, and new content. Muahahaha. So fun (:
Alright...I MUST stop using smileys. It'll suck all my 'high' away. I don't want to resort to artificial methods to get high. Don't tempt me smileys. ><
Anyway, I think I'll post some things about Zimbabwe can stop reading if you want here: Too lazy to copy and paste...hahaha. So I won't.
Yay. See you guys.
date: Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Since when did it become legal for one day to have 3 tests? YinXP, you are so royally screwed. It's not a matter of no choice, it's a matter of WHETHER YOU ARE ABLE TO BOOK. IF YOU CAN'T TOO BAD! Ahh...that felt much better (:
Before I move on to my post, happy birthday to two people: 1. GG (i.e. Kai Sheng, not Glendon Goh) --> You almost got bonded eh? We won't hold back next time ;) Happy birthday! 2. max! --> Emperor! Your imperial birthday shall be...(insert royal and those kind of stupid stuff since I don't know what the heck they are and therefore shall not type them in)...yeah, happy birthday Maxy! (it WAS and IS in Li Ki's SMS...)
So...let's move on. History and IS today...hrm...
IS: Well, theory wasn't that bad, screwed up a little here and there, but still, oh what the heck. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT PHOTOSHOP! IT'S LAME, DUMB, WASTE OF TIME AND GENERALLY AN EYESORE!
History: Well, Alvin Tan is getting smarter nowadays (you can't blame a potato in disguise for being dumb you know), and therefore gave us a test based ENTIRELY ON SBQ!(: And thank goodness it's about the causes of WWII, not that stupid Appeasement (isn't Appeasement like something in causes of WWII?!). Ah heck. Chamberlain is dumb, Hitler is dumb, Stalin is dumb, Czechoslovakia is dumb, Poland is dumb, Ukrainian artists trapped in concentration camps are dumb, Mein Kampf is dumb, what the hell. WHY COULDN'T WE JUST GO INTO DETAIL ABOUT CAUSES OF WWI? (vulgarities are rampant...) AND WHY ISN'T GIAM TEACHING U? WHY MUST WE HAVE POTATOES, NOT AN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF CONSORTIUM?
Who cares? Those two tests are over, which means:
IS - Theory Literature English - Speech Chinese Maths Physics Geography
Oh well, let's end off with this really dumb clippet of mine today... I FINALLY TRIED ALL THREE COFFEES (those is cans) IN THE CANTEEN! (: And here's my verdict:
They taste...the same
Ahahaha...byebye! (:
date: Monday, July 28, 2008
I'm supposedly mugging History now. Along with IS. And well, yes, it WAS a hiatus, but ah heck. When you can't keep promises, no point setting them in the first place (unless it makes you feel better inside(: ).
So, as I was saying, I'm supposedly mugging History and IS. History isn't that bad, since I kind of understand it. Keywords: kind of. Meaning: not 100% comprehension. IS is worse. I don't even understand a single damn thing, even though it's only a theory test! Imagine what would happen during the practical test *shudders*. Which reminds me, Glendon once said, "Sex comes in three parts: oral, practical and theory." You don't want to know, really.
Anyway, I'm done with History (Lala. It's 10:51pm). So, onto IS...who cares? I'll just print out the notes (: And then mug tomorrow. Yawn. I'm tired. ><
Tomorrow is Debate again! (: The whole week's Debate, 'cos of the competition coming up (: Also, ExCo Interview for Debate is tomorrow! Nervous...>.< Of course, nothing to be afraid. Jesus is with me (:
Ah...I really need to sleep now. >< Sianz...I need to get my blogging powress back. Fine. Planning before blogging from now on. Let's do it that way. *nods head* Mmhmm.
Father God, Please help me excel in my ExCo Interview tomorrow. It is written that You only want the best for me, and I believe that You have great plans for me. It is written For God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. I trust in You, that You would bless me with unusual and special calmness and wisdom, and I know that You would put all the words that You want me to say in my mouth, and nothing more, as well as the interviewers, put Your words in their mouths, the things that You want them to say, and nothing more. I know that You want the best for me, and will put me in a place of authority to bless the whole Debating Society in Hwa Chong. In Jesus name, Amen
date: Sunday, July 27, 2008
Hiatus till end of Term 3. I need to mug. For these tests coming up:
IS - Theory
English - Speech
Ahhh...don't tell me I'm doomed.
date: Wednesday, July 23, 2008
title: Treading
It's real dangerous ground I'm treading on now. Delicately balancing on the small bridge that is called Exams and Tests, it's going to be hard.
Really, it's the test period once again. Term 3 is short, no doubt, and with my Council commitments that conveniently border each other in terms of chronological order, I hope I don't break down and then my MSG suffers. I want to get into Happy Programme.
Oh well, I'm doing major clean-up on my computer (laptop) it'll become neater (:
Nevertheless, I just hope that this won't kill me.
Father God, Please guide me through this trying period of time. I believe that whatever is before me is set up by You for a purpose in my life. You only have good in mind for me, and I believe that the treasures of the unrighteous are laid out for the righteous. Lead me through this trying time Lord, and I know that because of You, I shall emerge victorious as no weapon formed against me shall prosper. Lord, please give me a fresh revelation of Your love, and lead me to green pastures. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
date: Sunday, July 20, 2008
title: HiF
Got into Humanities in Focus Finals! (:
Haven't blogged in quite a while, and I still don't know what else is there to blog. Nothing ice going on, really. Except perhaps for the fact that on my way home, I saw kittens! (:
Kittens are so cute! know the way they meow? KAWAII DESU!!!! *jumps up and down happily for no reason whatsoever*
Regardless, WATASHI WA MUNCHLAX TAI DESU! xD I don't know how to say this, but I suppose I wanted to say I want a Munchlax!!!!!
I got a book called He Did This Just For You by Max Lucado. It's a really good read. Got blessed by it a lot. The parable at the start is so practical and in the 21st century. Get the book. (I got it for $1)'s the cover page (it's only 62 pages. not much):

Yay. So, I'm being real random. I GOT A NEW PRINTER! (: HP some more. Real good deal. Scan, print and photocopy. At only $149! My mum bargained with the manager (of Harvey Norman at Centrepoint, remember that), and then I got it at $140! (:
Haha...go eat dinner now (it's actually 9.03pm now). See you!
date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008
title: Back
Yeah...back to Blogger from Wordpress...initially decided to change blog URL, but it wasn't valid, so oh well (:
Anyway, I'm going to talk about Judo and Track and Field Finals in this post...I hope.
SO...a quick review of champs we got this year: Judo - Double Champs (C & B Div) Track - Triple Champs (C,B & A Girls Div)
Bleh. I'm tired from cheering and all. So procrastination shall come into play. See you.
date: Tuesday, July 8, 2008
I think I'll change blog URL. C'mon, I've waited for like, 6 months! So...gimme a moment, and I'll change it very soon (:
date: Monday, July 7, 2008
Requiem. Any musical service, hymn, or dirge for the repose of the dead.
...Okay lor.
date: Thursday, July 3, 2008
Humanities in Focus was fun. (:
Yay. This is going to be a real post in quite some time. I believe it was since..ohmy! 7 May! (The others are crap posts xD)
So...ah crap. Nothing to post. Perhaps after Mid-Point Review (there we go. Procrastination once again once again at his very best).
Hrm...speaking of which, my Council events are all back-to-back...SEE:
1. Mid-Point Review (Which will end this Sunday) 2. Records Challenge OT (Which will end...12 July) 3. National Day (Which will end...8 August) 4. Teachers' Day (Which will end...uh...29 August?)
WTH. But it's alright. Have fun in the process and also learn lorrz. (:
date: Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Oh How about a round of applause. Yeah A standing ovation.
You look so dumb right now Standing outside my house. Trying to apologize You’re so ugly when you cry. Please, Just cut it out.
Don’t tell me you’re sorry cuz you’re not Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught. But you put on quite a show You really had me going. But now it’s time to go Curtain’s finally closing. That was quite a show Very entertaining. But it’s over now Go on and take a bow
Grab your clothes and get gone You better hurry up. Before the sprinklers come on Talkin bout' Girl, I love you, you’re the one. This just looks like a re-run. Please, What else is on
And don't tell me you’re sorry cuz you’re not Baby when I know you’re only sorry you got caught. But you put on quite a show You really had me going. But now it’s time to go Curtain’s finally closing. That was quite a show Very entertaining. But it’s over now Go on and take a bow.
Oh, And the award for The best liar goes to you. For making me believe That you could be faithful to me. Let's hear your speech, Oh...
How about a round of applause A standing ovation. But you put on quite a show Really had me going. Now it’s time to go Curtain’s finally closing. That was quite a show Very entertaining. But it’s over now Go on and take a bow.
But it’s over now...