date: Tuesday, September 30, 2008

You are The Hermit
Prudence, Caution, Deliberation.
The Hermit points to all things hidden, such as knowledge and inspiration,hidden enemies. The illumination is from within, and retirement from participation in current events.
The Hermit is a card of introspection, analysis and, well, virginity. You do not desire to socialize; the card indicates, instead, a desire for peace and solitude. You prefer to take the time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent but these feelings eventually lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity.
The Hermit represents a wise, inspirational person, friend, teacher, therapist. This a person who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious and confusing.
What Tarot Card are You? Take the Test to Find Out.
date: Monday, September 29, 2008
The monster has only five days left to act. It crawls and worms around our hearts, trapping us all in its web of fear and helplessness. No one could do anything, everyone was trapped. Some had tried to escape, yet, they came back defeated and desolate. The C6s they hol in their hands were testament to the might and power that the monster wields to terrorise and control us all. Indeed, exams are a frightening thing.
5 more days till the end of exams.
Yet, the monster decides to manifest itself even further by splitting itself into sub-species. These sub-species were both a gift and a curse - some enjoyed their less demeaning and overbearing composure, while others cowered in fear at the sight of these sub-species. They take on different masks at different times. Sometimes, they don't even appear to the chosen ones. These chosen ones have shown complete mastery over the sub-species, yet, many of us, who had once dominion over these sub-species, could not understand - wy are we not exempted from the subject?
5 more subjects yet to be tested.
Through it all, we stand triumphant at the fact that the monster's stronghold lasts for only 5 more days. Once the period of 5 days pass slowly, quietly, we realise that we are yet faced with anoher monstrocity. They strike even more fear into our hearts, for they are not just like the monster, they have power over our future. They can shape and mold it any way they feel like, for we are prey, and they, predators. Fortunately, it seems as though they have been restrained by another higher force, the marking scheme. Any who violates this shall be duly punished, and no one was prepared to pay the consequences.
6 more days till paper check arrives.
No one knows how these monsters disappear. They fade into the darkness, and we experience peace yet again. Despite the fear, the agony, and the suspicion, no one could tell why they have the longing for the monsters to appear again. No one likes the monsters, that's a fact. But still, why do we yearn for them, yet fear them so much?
1 more year till exams arrive again.
The End.
date: Sunday, September 28, 2008
It's such a wrong time, but I fell in love with this anime: Ouran High School Host Club
date: Friday, September 26, 2008
Well, it's just 2 days and a few hours till D Day begins. Then it'll be 2 weeks before Winter Retreat. The sad part is, Ms Holst is leaving for Australia! Bleh.
Well, let's start from the beginning...(I'm lazy to type in sentences so just follow the points)
(Term 3 Week 9) Ms Quah --> New teacher will come to teach you in Week 10 (Term 3). Don't know guy or girl, just be nice 'cos teacher will be Aussie. Don't give bad impression.
(Term 3 Week 10, Monday) Laurang --> 3 new teachers. *Guy comes out* History...*Girl 1 comes out* English & Lit...(this is Ms Holst)...*Girl 2 comes out* English, Lit, History blah blah blah...give them warm welcome. (T3W10, Mon, EF Class) Ms Quah --> Okay class, Ms Holst be your teacher. Ms Holst --> We'll be doing biopoem! :D (It's her smiley face, not ours)
(Blah Blah Blah)
(Term 4 Week 3, Friday ) Ms Holst --> I'll be leaving for Australia tomorrow! Great teaching you! I'm student too! *sniffle* (that's mine. She's quite nice, seriously).
Yeah, so that's it. Sigh...she's a great teacher. Got lots of potential when it comes to teaching. Come teach in Hwa Chong when you graduate okay Ms Holst?
Oh well...there goes another teacher...
date: Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Once again, I have betrayed my very own emotions and have therefore broke the sacred seal (which never existed in my dictionary) of the hiatus. Yay.
So, I shall now blog on very mundane things that you would most probably fall asleep reading, such as these sentences that are written in such 'perfect' (vomitting is expected at this point) English. Not that writing in broken English or anything is real cool. It just doesn't seem right.
Fine, I'm getting ahead of myself. Oh yeah, 9th ProEd Council is out (along with the ExCo)!
Chairman: NIL Vice-Chairman: Brandon Secretary: Zhao Yong Welfare: Justin Logistics (ProEd Room): Ang Yang Logistics (ProEd Lounge): Daryn
You see the NIL? I refuse to admit it's me. Like, Brandon is much more suited. I think I won only because of populace initiatives. Such as a Bridge Competition. Speaking of which, I must get approval.
Oh well, at least I get posting rights. (: It's fun. Write a private note to myself with 'tralala'. LOL.
I think I'll change blogskin. AFTER exams, of course.
Now, let's re-seal the hiatus.
*Seals it*
Yeah, so see you. Oops. I just broke it. o.O
date: Sunday, September 21, 2008
This is going to be the last post in quite some time. Seeing that exams are around the corner, I'm going to go on a haitus. Not that I won't be going on MSN though. I'll try not to. Emphasis is on the try.
Yet, this times are plagued with numerous stuff that just make me feel like giving up. Seriously...I see so many people mugging, with information crammed in their heads like crazy, it makes me feel like I'm never going to get it. The mugging craze is on, and I'm one of those at the back...
Then, my will power to keep on doing is just not there. I study History for one day, and I can't be bothered to complete my History notes, even though I'm not done with them. Damn, I'll never get anywhee at this rate.
Then, friends come into the picture. Or at least, ex-friend. I don't know what I did, nor what I said, nor whatever it is to make Darion so pissed off at me. I really don't know what I did...and I want to, so that I can make up for it. But only if Darion will tell me, which he isn't. This is going nowhere...
This is a sinking boat, and all the lifeboats have been taken. I'm just left on board, since I'm the last one, and one life always isn't worth that much. I could swim, but it's too far from shore...
Lord, Please give me the courage and endurance through this period. In Jesus Name, Amen
date: Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thank you Shadow King!!! (:
Oh oh, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody is back. Update later!
Oh my gosh. This song I just can't keep it out of my mind (in case you're wondering, it's the one playing on my blog now)
It's so freaking cool. Check out the lyrics:
I've always been the kind of girl That hid my face So afraid to tell the world What I've got to say But I have this dream Right inside of me I'm gonna let it show, it's time To let you know To let you know
This is real, this is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now Gonna let the light, shine on me Now I've found, who I am There's no way to hold it in No more hiding who I want to be This is me
Do you know what it's like To feel so in the dark To dream about a life Where you're the shining star Even though it seems Like it's too far away I have to believe in myself It's the only way
This is real, This is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now Gonna let the light, shine on me Now I've found, who I am There's no way to hold it in No more hiding who I want to be This is me
You're the voice I hear inside my head The reason that I'm singing I need to find you, I gotta find you You're the missing piece I need The song inside of me I need to find you, I gotta find you
This is real, this is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now Gonna let the light, shine on me Now I've found, who I am There's no way to hold it in No more hiding who I want to be This is me You're the missing piece I need The song inside of me (this is me) You're the voice I hear inside my head The reason that I'm singing Now I've found, who I am There's no way to hold it in No more hiding who I want to be This is me
Yep...I don't know HOW the font changed, but either ways, enjoy This is Me.
And oh yes, Council results will only be out later because Mr Lim forot to let CSE ProEd people vote o.O
date: Monday, September 15, 2008
Got this from Poetry Suite...for all 2G people, here:
Subject:Dylan Thomas’ father had been a robust, militant man most of his life, and when in his eighties, he became blind and weak, his son was disturbed seeing his father become “soft” or “gentle.” In this poem, Thomas is rousing his father to continue being the fierce man he had previously been. Literary devices:The form on the poem is a villanelle, with arime scheme alternating “night” and “day.” “Good night” is a metaphor and a pun. “Dying of the light” is ametaphor. “Old age should burn and rave” in line two is a combination of metonymy and personification. “Close of day” is a metaphor. “Burn” in that same line is used metaphorically, as is “dark” in line four. In line five “their words had forked no lightning” is metaphorical. Line eight “Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay” employs personification and metaphor. Line ten “Wild men who sang the sun in flight” isexaggeration and metaphor. Line 11 “they grieved it on its way” is also exaggeration and metaphor. Line 13 “Grave” is a pun; “blinding sight” is an oxymoron. Line 14 “Blind eyes could blaze like meteors” is a simile. Line 17 “Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray” is a paradox. Commentary:A villanelle is a French poetic form that originally served as a vehicle for pastoral, simple, and light verse. That Thomas would employ that form for the subject of death enhances the irony of beseeching a dying person to rage. No doubt the poet also chose this form because of the repetition of the important lines, “Do not go gentle into that good night” and “Rage, rage against the dying of the light” and because of the tight formal structure of the form. The subject matter which is the command to the father not to accept death so easily lends itself to the dichotomy of “day” and “night” which become somewhat symbolic for “life” and “death” in the poem. Each of the six stanzas has uniformity and a specific purpose:Stanza 1: The first line is a command, “Do not go gentle into that good night.” Paraphrased, “Don’t give up easily.” The second line offers the speaker’s belief that even when old and infirm, the man should stay energetic and complain if necessary as long as he does not give in to death easily. Then line three again is a command, “Rage, rage against the dying of the light”: Fight, complain, rail against the oncoming of death. Stanzas 2, 3, 4, and 5 each try to persuade the father to “rage against the dying of the light” by offering evidence of what wise, good, wild, and grave men have done. For example and to paraphrase stanza 2: Even though wise men know that they cannot keep death away forever and especially if they have not accomplished their goals in life, they don’t accept death easily; they “Do not go gentle . . . .” Similarly, in stanza 3, good men exclaim what might have been, their “frail deed” might have shone like the sun reflecting off the waters of a “green bay,” and they, therefore, “Rage, rage” against the oncoming of death. Likewise, in stanza 4, wild men whose antics seemed to shine as brightly as the sun and who thought they were so optimistic, but later realized they spent much of their life in grief, still they “Do not go gentle . . . .” And in stanza 5, grave men whose eyes are fading fast can still flash life’s happiness, as they “Rage, rage . . . . ” Stanza 6: The speaker addresses his father. Paraphrased, “And so my father you are nearing death—yell at me, scream at me, cry out; to see you do that would be a blessing for me and I beg you to show me that militant man you once were: “Do not go gentle . . . . ”
So, yep, here's the poem analysis. For all those crazed people who need to know how to bloody hell study Lord of the Flies, use Yep, it's useful, so do go for it if you want. So long people!
date: Sunday, September 14, 2008
Shoddy Battle isn't working for me. Bleh...I need to reinstall it. Sorry YZ!
-------Pokemon from this juncture on. Should you want to skip it, please sroll down to the point with the foot note 'end'. Thanks.----------------------------------------------------------------
Anyway, I've been thinking of a team for Pokemon Pearl, and after using the Pokemon Team Creator on Marriland's website (, I've come up with a team that has reasonably good coverage (:
1. Zenith the Infernape 2. Razor the Staraptor 3. Bridge the Bronzong 4. Lacrimosa the Garchomp 5. Prose the Raichu 6. Kyrie the Lumineon
Yay...the movesets aren't going to be revealed, since I'm still pending whether I'm going to use them on Shoddy. Yeah...
--------------------------END----------------------------------------------------------------, here's the crux of my post:
date: Monday, September 8, 2008
OMG. Tomorrow's Council ExCo Interview. I'm nervous dammit. Never been this nervous before. The last time was when I was sitting for the interview for Best in English Award. And now, I'm going through that same waves of emotion. Damn. This is hard.
But, moving from depressing stuff, today was PDay Grand Finals Rehearsal. It was fine, but TeyAH was horrible. Even Kala commented, "This is uncalled for." If Kala says that, it means it really is uncalled for. She scolded people for having too many images, and people who had too little images. She scolded people for not presenting well, when she herself said that her angmoh was half-past six. She even reduced Kah How to tears WTF. She's one horrible person. And to think she herself commented two weeks before, "Your website would look nice on the Audi screen." This is so obviously a compliment. And then, today, she called it "sloppy". Someone fire her.
And also, because the Horse (aka Ms Holst. We can't get her name pronouced right) asked for a very short story, I'll give this one:
An argument. Heart broken. Tears flow.
Alright, this sounds real corny and all, not to mention not really close to the truth, but looking at it from perspective:
Argument = differing views over a matter Heart broken = something hurtful was said Tears flow = Sigh...
Yeah, a very short story is 6 words. Google it. Haha...
Exams in: 2 weeks 6 days
Father God, I pray in Jesus' Name that You bless me with the words You want me to say during the interview tomorrow. I know that without You, nothing is possible. Without You, nothing would have existed anyway. But with You, You make all things possible and I know that You only want the best for me. You do not want me to just be a councillor, You want me to have a position of influence to bless the whole Council. I pray that You will fill my mouth with the words that You want me to say, and nothing more than that. I pray that You give me inspiration, a clear mind and a calm soul during the interview tomorrow. All these I pray in Jesus' Name, Amen